
Thursday, 16 June 2016

The lava story

The Lava Story
 The lava story                       
Image result for the lava song
A long long day ago there was two love birds. One day Misi was singing with joy each day that someone would love him someday. Under the sea there was a volcano that knew the song was meant for her. Misi was old and turn into stone, but Angel still had hope for him. One day
Image result for the lava song under the waterImage result for the lava song under the waterAngel

exploded up from under the sea
Image result for the lava songfacing the other way from Misi. Misi   saw a beautiful woman  called Angel, but couldn’t see Misi.One day Misi blow up and was facing with Angel. That time they were really in love and happy with heaps of Joy. They were a couple like all the other sea creature in the sea. They look above the other sea creatures with Joy.

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